Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Breaking News: there is life without facebook!

Well I did it.  My experiment of giving up facebook for a week was successful.  I wish I could say it was completely easy and I didn't have any withdrawal but I'd be lying of course!  The hardest day for me was Thursday when I got an email that someone I hadn't been in contact with since college had friended me.  I REALLY wanted to log on to look at her pictures and ya know basically do the whole voyeur thing.  I did convince Tom to let me at least accept her friend request while he sat there to make sure I didn't look at anything beyond that.  But let me tell you - the minute my allotted time was up, I was on there looking at the "wall" catching up and checking out this old friends' photos. 

Turns out I didn't miss much...

Turns out I kinda like life without facebook...

I'm not saying I'm never going on it again or anything.  And I'm definitely not wanting to judge anyone or say it's "bad".  Lord knows I found lot's of other things on the computer to look at instead of facebook!  To get real honest about it though I think the dangerous part of facebook for me is that when I'm in a bad spot, it's easy for me to get on there and start comparing myself to everyone.  And the truth is that facebook is ,as one friend called it, "a 2nd life", meaning for most it's sort of a glossy, edited version of who you are.  I don't put all my crap and insecurities on facebook for my 150 odd "friends" to critique.  And most others don't either.  It's great for keeping track of people, communicating long distance, and yes the pictures of people I actually care about are really fun!  But, for now anyway - I'm liking the space opened up in me when I'm not on facebook.  Sorry Mark Zuckerburg.

In all seriousness though, I may have seen this very important video sooner if I would have been on facebook last week.....

And yeah, that video IS pretty hilarious and awesome right?:)

I'm going to go eat some chocolate now while I watch it a few more times...


  1. You might have just made a case for Facebook with that video.
