Thursday, February 17, 2011

A potpourri of fun!

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One of Tom's co-worker's made this for us and I thought it was too funny not to share!  We're good as Sonny and Cher - no?

So here's the real scoop on today's potpourri post.  My original plan was to reveal my dramatic (exaggeration) bedroom makeover to everyone today.  But by last night I wasn't exactly done with it - aka - I wasn't even close to being remotely done!  I still had a large diy project to complete to finish the bedroom look that I was after.  This diy project although seemingly *simple* turned out not so simple and resulted in me throwing around piles of coffee filters, thread and tape.  Turns out those window displays you see at Anthropologie actually are hard for the typical non-crafter - who knew?!  Because I am determined (crazy!) with this project I still plan to reveal the final bedroom look to you soon, but in the mean time I couldn't help but think of my friend Amy Sedaris as I struggled to be crafty.

And now I think I must go out and buy Amy's book "Simple Times:  Crafts for Poor People" because even though I don't have her awesome fake nails she really is a kindred spirit!

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