Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tired Mommy

Late July.

After this many summers with my kiddos I should have remembered that come late July all our summer busy-ness, late nights, and general craziness begin to catch up with me and mommy crashes!  It's always such a shock to me that come mid summer I cease to be able to bounce right out of bed.  My morning jogs have been getting later and later and I am absolutely craving an entire day in my p.j.'s doing NOTHING, going NOWHERE. 

The other day I put on my best "fun" mommy voice and suggested cheerily to the kids "How about tomorrow we have a pajama day and watch movies and pop popcorn and just be lazy ALL DAY!!  Doesn't that sound fun, doesn't it?!!"  To which they incredulously replied "NOOO!  Why would we want to do that - it's too nice outside, we want to go swimming!".  Crap.  My own line of "it's too nice outside to be inside" has come back to bite me in the butt. 

To make matters even worse, yesterday during their swim time I witnessed something that made me feel like the most dud mom on the planet.  As I was fighting sleep while hunkered in the corner reading a book, I looked up just in time to see a very fit and energetic mother not only dive into the pool but FLIP herself off the diving board.   What!? 

And now I am off to drink my half a pot of coffee and summon the strength to and energy to face another day in late July. 

1 comment:

  1. That mom was probably in bed the next day reeling from her antics!
